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Monday, January 18, 2010


I've spent the past two days working on my Black Belt shadow boxes.  I've even made jigs for the side pieces to ensure not only ease in making them, but the ability to make exact replicas without mistakes.  I spent a lot of time on the set up, calibrating and creating a good work flow.  Having spent that time making the planning and setup perfect,  I feel that I can now put these together much more quickly and with a far higher degree of workmanship.  It's great to get back into creating things and doing my woodworking.:-)
Yesterday we spent a good share of the day having a family day.  We put together a fabulous brunch, eacxh making a different part.  Then we went to the Asian market and to pick up Bubble tea.  When we got home, Cynthia and Jenna made cookies, Jenna made a great Thai soup for dinner and I finished the dishes from brunch.  It was great to spend a day doing family stuff together.
It seems that getting enough sleep, eating better and taking vitamins and my meds make a big difference.  Gee, whoda thunk?

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